Puppy and Kitten Care

The Special Needs of Puppies and Kittens

There are few things more exciting than bringing a new puppy or kitten home to become the newest member of your family. Just as being the proud parent of a new baby comes with some heavy responsibilities, so must you take the necessary steps to ensure a happy, healthy life for your new four-legged friend. That’s why you should look into the puppy and kitten care offered at Animals of Eden Veterinary Hospital PLLC in Brevard, NC.

If you’ve only owned adult dogs or cats in the past, you’ll be in for some surprises from your puppy or kitten. These little creatures can be bundles of energy. This means that their dietary and nutritional needs are different from those of grown-up animals. You’ll need to feed your baby animals multiple meals each day, with the number of meals decreasing as they ages. Our veterinarian can advise you on what and how to feed your little friends.

Puppies and kittens have some vulnerabilities that need to be addressed starting in the first few weeks of life. For one thing, baby animals can “inherit” worms from their mothers, putting them at risk for devastating illnesses. Fecal testing and de-worming are common procedures to help puppies and kittens get off to a healthy start in life. Vaccinations are another must, since the antibodies ingested through their mothers’ milk won’t help them once they are weaned. We typically administer several rounds of core (essential) vaccinations starting around the age of 6 weeks.

Spaying and neutering might seem unnecessary in a sexually immature animal, but it actually makes a lot of sense to have these procedures performed earlier rather than later. Sexually sterilizing puppies or kittens before they reach puberty helps to ensure that they receive the maximum protection against diseases promoted by reproductive hormone production, from prostate disease to breast, uterine, or testicular cancer.

Preventative Care and Guidance from Our Brevard Veterinarian

Bring your puppy or kitten to Animals Of Eden Veterinary Hospital PLLC. Either veterinarian on our team can perform that all-important first wellness exam, in which we also administer vaccinations, de-worming, and nutritional counseling as needed. We may also start your pet on a course of flea and tick prevention. Puppies and kittens aged 6 weeks or older can safely receive spay/neuter surgery.

Get Your Kitten and Puppy Care Right Here

Give your new family members the healthy life they deserve. Call 828-237-3564 to schedule kitten or puppy care!